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CloudBytes School Management System

Over the years, we have made several enginious improvements to our school management system to meet rising technological improvements and client requirements. Our System has over 10 modules that support all school activities and processes for both CBC & 8-4-4 in Primary, Secondary and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

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Available Modules

Remote System Access

The system can be accessed remotely by the following user groups:
- Teachers
- Students and
- Parents

Student Management

Manage new student admission, Student transfer management, class list generation and Displine

Academic Management

Subjects Management, Exams management, Marks Management, Exam Analysis, Report cards and Send exam reports via SMS and Email

Online Classes

One-on-one online classes via video teleconference, Record online session or stream online session via Youtube. Online classes also includes online assignment submission

Staff Management

New staff management, staff record management, Staff role assignment

Bio-Metric Attendance

Manages both Staff and Student. For students, Parents can get an SMS alert when the student arrives or leaves the school premises.

Pocket Money Management

Keep and track student pocket money either deposits or withdrawals. Parents can send their student money via MPESA and get credited directly to the student wallet. Withdrawal has an option of Bio-metric finger print scanning.


Collect school fees, manage income and expenses and pay suppliers.


Manage staff payment at ease either Monthly or casual

Inventory & Supply Management

Manage supliers, receive invoices and Purchase Orders

Transport Management

Management of school transport

Detailed Reports & Analysis

Our reports includes detailed graphs, PDFs and Excel sheets.

SMS & Email Communication

Instant or Scheduled SMS messages and Email communications.


Contact Us


Parkside towers Mombasa road

Call / WhatApp:

+254 722 237 679

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